Monday, June 11, 2007

Retired life...

I never thought I would enjoy having Brett home so much. We love being retired, doing as we please, when we please. It's so nice to have fun as a couple, go out everyday, it's like being on vacation everyday. I wonder how long this will last? We are going to Disney on Thursday with Scott and Tawni, but after we get home, will we be tired of this long vacation? Our heads are filled of choices regarding what to do with the rest of our lives. Here is our list of choices:
  1. We move to Costa Rica, were we own a house free and clear, have a ton of money in the bank, where we didn't have to work but if we did we could easily start a profitable business. We could also buy a condo here in Boise so we'll have a place to stay when we come to visit. Brett has a job with HP back in CR who has offered to rehire him back in a year.. This choice will leave us very well off, no worries, peaceful life... now, the downside is our kids. Jake and Alex don't like Costa Rica, they will have to continue to do online school. Kallie loves her schooll over there, she has no problems with the move.
  2. We stay here, pay off our exsisting home and all debt. Brett and Rossana will be happy here with the kids. Most likely we will get jobs and rejoin the hectic way of life here in the USA. The downside, we don't get to live in to Costa Rica where our peaceful way of life and relaxation is, our weekly trips to the beach and no stress living. The good thing is our kids will be happy attending school here.
  3. We have been looking at new houses, and there are some amazing buys here in Boise.. we could buy the house of our dreams and become home owners, without a mortgage. In order to maintain the home we will have to work and say good bye to our Costa Rica dream.
  4. We could sell our house, purchase a condo here in Boise, and live in it till our kids graduate from school. We could have Brett and Rossana continue to comute back and forth from Costa Rica, but that takes away the ability of being full time parent to our older boys. Brett, Rossana and Kallie will be happy in Costa Rica, the boys could go visit anytime they wanted, but since they love it here more, they will always have a place to stay here in the USA.
Choices!!! I wonder which path we will take? We are praying very hard for guidance and direction.