Saturday, March 21, 2009

Time doesn't stand still

I look at myself and I think, gosh I don't look 47, I look terrific, maybe 10+ lbs overweight but overall I feel very good. Then I see my nephew Dallan, at the Temple... when did he get old enough to go on a mission? how did time fly by? how is it possible that Jake is graduating from HS this year? where did time go. I'm worry that I'll be in my sixties here on a blink on an eye, and I'll be "old" . I think today at the Temple I was once reminded how our time here on earth is so minuscule, so small, compared to the time we'll be in heaven. Time does not stand still. I have no fear of dying, instead I look at it as part of the plan of salvation. I can't wait to be with my reunite with my son Zachary again.
Today at looked at my sweet Brett. How lucky I am to have him. He is my best friend, and also ponder what would life be without him, I find comfort on knowing that he is my eternal companion. I love the saying "Families can be Forever" I'm trying to achieve that goal, I want my family to be forever... I love that word "forever" it brings me comfort.
I'm thankful for the gospel in my life. I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my friends.
I'm thankful for my life. Life is good.

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