Sunday, January 25, 2009


Golly gee, today I cooked all day. Once in a while I just love to cook all day. Today I made 2 homade pizzas, I made cream of potato soup for my son Shawn who is sick, I made Flan for dessert, I also made pesto for tomorrow;s dinner and special noodles for Alex who is also feeling sickie.
Brett my handsome husband of almost 26 years turned 50 years old last a few weeks ago. We had a both dressed up and went out for lunch to Olive Garden. My baby looks good and he works out everyday, all just for me he says, lol. I know he doesn't like to talk about being 50, he is not comfortable with that age, he says he looks and feels 35 and I agree, so even do he turned 50 he really is 35 and we'll leave it at that.
Kids are sick today. My mom is coming back from Peru and I can't wait to see her again! My dad'd wife is also coming so that will be something, to meet his wife for the first time. My mom is very cool about the whole situation wit my dad, so we are all relieved.
I miss my daughter Erica, she moved away a few months ago and she is doing just fine. I miss her terribly! I had no idea that when kids moved away it would be this hard. I love you Princess!

My boys...

I went to church last Sunday and my son was paying his tithing, it was a lot of money for a guy his age, that money he could have spent buying clothes, going to resturants and movies and having fun, but instead he faithfully payed his tithing. Times like this I feel proud to be his mother. He has no idea how proud I was of his for being obedient and faithful. His other sibblings are watching, and they will learn that the law is important, not only because is a law, but because they see their brother do it. Moment like this I feel very bless and very thankful to have kids that love the Lord.
Alex came home all excited, he passed all his classes. You see, Alex struggles at school, and school does not come easy for him. Alex passed all his classes!!! That's awesome! My Alex rocks!
Alex is a genious in other areas. He is the best 15 year old guitarrist in the world to me. His dad even admits he is a genius with his music. I love my Alex.

Jake is a wonderful musician also, he is playing the drums. What makes Jake special to me? He is caring, loving, obedient, he babysits lots for me, and is a very good helper around the house.
I thank God for my wonderful boys!

Heinee Monteiney

Hanna Montana is a popular show here at my crib, our whole family enjoys watching that show. The other day, Brett and I were at the Disney store and they were having a sale on their Hanna Montana stuff and we had to get Kallie the whole outfit, even the wig. Here are pictures of Kallie as Hannah Montana and Miley Cirus, you be the judge, I like her better as Miley.