Sunday, January 25, 2009

My boys...

I went to church last Sunday and my son was paying his tithing, it was a lot of money for a guy his age, that money he could have spent buying clothes, going to resturants and movies and having fun, but instead he faithfully payed his tithing. Times like this I feel proud to be his mother. He has no idea how proud I was of his for being obedient and faithful. His other sibblings are watching, and they will learn that the law is important, not only because is a law, but because they see their brother do it. Moment like this I feel very bless and very thankful to have kids that love the Lord.
Alex came home all excited, he passed all his classes. You see, Alex struggles at school, and school does not come easy for him. Alex passed all his classes!!! That's awesome! My Alex rocks!
Alex is a genious in other areas. He is the best 15 year old guitarrist in the world to me. His dad even admits he is a genius with his music. I love my Alex.

Jake is a wonderful musician also, he is playing the drums. What makes Jake special to me? He is caring, loving, obedient, he babysits lots for me, and is a very good helper around the house.
I thank God for my wonderful boys!

1 comment:

Tawni - Blog Administrator said...

She is adorable!!! We miss you Kalliecakes!