Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Dahlia!

So much has happened since I last wrote here on my blog, it would take me 6 month of straight writing and typing to catch up.  Instead I will skip whatever happened and start from today. 
My life is filled with love, I have three beautiful grand babies and they fill my life with joy and happiness.
Dahlia - Erica's and Dane little daughter.. my first grand baby. Her smile lights up the room every time she comes to visit.  She is GORGEOUS! like her momma! Dahlia is extremely smart and learns very fast.  She knows how to sign, has a very large vocabulary and loves her "guampa" and "gamma" to pieces.  Dahlia is very girlie, she calls headbands "hats" and every piece of jewelry "pretties" she loves to wear tutus, and she has the cutest way of dancing, where she almost steps over with one of her tiny feet..she is so cute! 
Dahlia is a picky eater and spits her half chewed food!  I know, right? Gross! but that's the only way she'll learn to try new foods.  Dahlia is 1.5 years old now and her favorite word is no!  Her mom told me the other day at Target, there was another little boy sitting on a cart while the parents checked out.  Dahlia looked at the little guy and shouted, NO!  The little guy looked at Dahlia and said NO back to her, and the two took turns yelling NO! to each other while the parents laughed.. I laughed and I wasn't even there!

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