Monday, February 12, 2007

Another great week...

Last week I tried golfing for the first time ever, I actually didn't mind it, it was good for me to get out and socialize with the girls. I came down with a cold and a UTI.. darn! I never get those, but my friend Susan who is a nurse back in the US told me exactly what to do, I went to the pharmacy and ask for this antibiotic that treats UTI and it only cost me $10.00, and today I feel good again, my cold is even gone. Yesterday we went to church and I received a calling as a teacher in the Primary organization, I'm so happy, finally have a calling at church, I have Kallie in my list, wild girl Kallie, who can't seat still for a minute, so that'll be fun, just when I was trying to get away from her, lol. Yesterday during Relief Society they had chocolate treats for all the sisters, she grabbed one and ran away, then a few minutes later she was back in the room asking for more... all this while a class was being held, she didn't care, she wanted more. At home she saw the quads playing outside and she ran outside on her diapers to play with them, she didn't care if she was naked, poor daddy, had to go out and chase after her. We hired a handyman to hang our pictures, and do they look nice! My house is so pretty! :) Alex skateboarded while we met some of the neighbors, my next door neighbor whose house will be done being built in June came by to introduce herself, her name is Patricia from Colombia, very nice lady.
What is it with Costa Rica woman and their big assets? Gosh, I'm even impressed with their beautiful breast.. going to the mall last Saturday was an experience now that they wear skimpy shirts for the summer, and they like to show them off, gosh they were blessed with a good top. My poor hubby and Alex, I feel so sorry for them and all they have to endure walking through the mall and just torturing their minds with all those views of big breast.. and to make it worse, they are not ugly, lol. Even I appreciate some natural beauty, natural??? did I say that? I guess I'll never know if they are real or not, lol. Some women here are just gorgeous, drop of dead gorgeous, but once you've seen one, you've seen them all, at least that's how I look at it. To make it worse, we go to church on Sunday, and this lady is breastfeeding her child during Sacrament meeting, what the heck?? I guess it wasn't the first time I've seen this, but during sacrament meeting, common, give me a break, now, that wasn't a pretty view, lol.
Kallie is getting potty trained today, man, she is three in a half and still wearing diapers, and has a binky.. waz up with that? She clinged like a monkey to her daddy this morning and didn't want to let go... she won't stay in her bed at night either, could it be the last child syndrome, where the parents let the kids get away with murder, which is easy to do because she is so darn cute.

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