Wednesday, February 11, 2009

College?? Jake?? Fall??

Oh my!! I found myself today making calls. My Jake will be attending college this comming Fall, and knowing how he is, a little anxious about growing up and facing the world, I think we are going with a new college that just opened up in Nampa. Jake is confused about what career path to take, but he has some ideas. His number one choice is to be a high school teacher, number two is to be an Xray (Imaging) technician, number three a counselor. My job as a mom is to help him achieve his goals but not push to hard, but just hard enough to get him excited about it, because right now he is a bit scared. My Jakey is amazing. He is quiet and reserved at home, but when he is at school he is very popular and outgoing. He has a cute girlfriend too. Well, I will be doing lots of praying and I will be attending the Temple this Friday just for that, to pray for my boy and that he will make good choices.
I worked on Shawn's taxes this week. He's been with T-mobile for three years now and he is making very, very good money, I almost flipped over when I saw his W-2. I couldn't believe it! I told Shawn we needed to get him on a mortgage this year, that way he can deduct mortgage interest next year. He is still waiting for Becca, who is serving a mission in Palmira New York. Becca is an amazing girl! She has a sweet spirit, she is beautiful and to top it off, very well educated, she has a Masters on Arquitecture, wow!

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