Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Open house at Kallie's school

Mrs Chalom and Kallie Kindergarden 2009/ Open house Kallie sitting on her table
Kallie and the "chicks"

Open house meant hurry back from work then rush to Kallie's classroom to visit with the teacher. Kallie was very excited about open house. The chicken eggs have hatched and there is a bunch of baby chicks she wants to show to us. I love it how she likes to show me of. My daughter also likes to compliment me on the way I look and how I dress. There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't look into my eyes and tells me "mommy, you are beautiful". At times I tear up a bit, such little person saying such big words to her mommy.
Kallie wanted to hold my hands to walk into the school, you could tell she was proud of me, and wanted her clasmates to make sure they knew who Kallie's mommy was. Kallie showed us the chicks, there was a sign that said not to hold the baby chicks, but she did anyway. We entered the classroom and she sat at the purple table. Her teaher, Mrs Chalom talked to us for a long time. Our Kallie is in the top of her classroom for reading. This is very good considering she is the youngest in her classroom.
We skipped the bookfair and went back home. Kallie you make us proud! Mommy and daddy love you so much!

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