Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Brett's turns 49

My dear husband turns 49 today, his mom came over and gave him a gift and she also made him a birthday cake. My honey did not want a big party this year, all he wanted was to spended with us and go out to eat at a restaurant. Today we wanted to take the kids to eat at the Olive Garden but forgot Jake and Alex had finals at their night school, but our wonderful son Shawn took daddy and I to Brett's favorite Chinese buffet. We will do Olive Garden as a family on Friday, when our whole family can go.
This week I took the responsability of planning my family reunion. It's going to be a huge task due to the size of my family, but the cousins look forward to getting together again. I have send a poll to the family members to get ideas regarding date and place. Jake just got home and he got A's on his finals!!! Way to go Jake!!! Alex also passed and we are very happy for him too.

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