Tuesday, January 8, 2008

One great memory for Kallie to always remember...

Shawn woke up early one morning a few days before Christmas and was very excited to get Kallie up. Kallie was very sleepy, but Shawn got her up because the night before he had gone to the store and bought one of those girgerbread house kits and wanted to build it with Kallie. Kallie got up from bed, got her cooking apron and hat on and started helping Shawn.
Kallie and brother Shawn build the gingerbread house together. Shawn is such a nice brother to spent quality time with his little sister. Thanks Shawn, Kallie had fun with you! As I watched them together my oldest and my youngest, my heart was very joyful. I know Shawn will make a great dad someday, he is amazing! Where did time go? He grew so fast and he is no longer a kid.. he is a man, and so far he makes me proud to be his mother. We are glad to have you my Shawni boy.

1 comment:

Crystal G. said...

What a great picture! Rossana you have done your part~your kids walk with the Lord...It is something most parents strive for, but fail miserably:( You have been blessed! P.S. your kids are as beautiful as you!!!